Tag: industrial property

How to obtain protection?

The journey is long for a patent applicant. This article summarises the main steps to obtain patent protection, as well as intermediate steps such as proof of anteriority and preservation of secrecy.

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What are the conditions for applying for a patent?

Various inventions can be patented, but the subject matter of the application must meet the criteria set out in Article L611-10 al 1 of the French CPI: “New inventions involving an inventive step and capable of industrial application shall be patentable in all fields of technology.”

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What can be patented?

It is not always clear whether a particular invention is patentable. The requirements are precise and often necessitate the intervention of patent specialists to assess the patentability of the project.

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What is a patent?

Patents allow an invention to obtain a monopoly of use and are an effective deterrent against potential competitors. Our article provides an introduction to this right and the conditions for obtaining it.

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Protection of an invention with a patent

Are you the inventor of a technically innovative product? Patents allow you to obtain a monopoly on the use of your invention and are an effective deterrent to potential competitors who would take over your innovation. This article provides some thoughts on how to secure your rights.

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Focus on industrial property

The term “industrial property” covers a variety of widely used intellectual property rights. One common feature is the requirement for a registration to obtain a recognised title.

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Plagiarism is common in the field of artistic or industrial creation. One way to act is to bring an infringement action against the infringers. Various cases exist, and this article proposes some thoughts on the subject.

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Protection of a video game

Are you a game designer? Sachez que plusieurs droits sont à votre disposition afin de protéger les différents éléments de votre jeu. Cet article vous donne des pistes de réflexion sur la sécurisation de vos droits.

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The cost of a patent

Il est difficile d’estimer le coût d’un brevet car les frais de conseils et de rédaction sont variables en fonction de l’invention à protéger, de sa nature et de sa complexité.

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