Protection of designs: copyright law or specific design law?
Designs are indeed eligible for double protection, and it is not always easy to be exhaustive by phone on this rather technical matter. However, we
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Designs are indeed eligible for double protection, and it is not always easy to be exhaustive by phone on this rather technical matter. However, we
The term “industrial property” covers a variety of widely used intellectual property rights. One common feature is the requirement for a registration to obtain a recognised title.
Literary and artistic property is probably the most familiar sub-section of intellectual property known to the general public. It encompasses a wide variety of creations.
Over the course of its activity, a company exploits trademarks for its products and services, a trade name, a technical innovation, a logo, a domain name, etc. Rights are created over these creations, which are covered by intellectual property law. Some are acquired automatically by creation, others require registration with a specialised institution. This article helps to identify these different rights.
Plagiarism is common in the field of artistic or industrial creation. One way to act is to bring an infringement action against the infringers. Various cases exist, and this article proposes some thoughts on the subject.
The protection of creations is a major concern for innovative entrepreneurs. Several means are available to creators wishing to protect their work. Some are easier than others to implement. This article offers some suggestions on how to better apprehend the protection of a creation.
Are you a game designer? Sachez que plusieurs droits sont à votre disposition afin de protéger les différents éléments de votre jeu. Cet article vous donne des pistes de réflexion sur la sécurisation de vos droits.
Vous souhaitez avoir votre propre identité d’entreprise, alors vous avez créé une marque. Si vous ne sécurisez pas ces éléments, vous prenez le risque que vos concurrents se les approprient. Cet article vous donne quelques pistes afin de débuter votre réflexion.
L’obtention d’une marque n’est pas automatique. C’est l’enregistrement après examen de la marque qui fait bénéficier de la protection.
Afin d’être recevables, les marques déposées doivent respecter des critères de validité.
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