Protection of scientific work
Are you a researcher or scientist? You are entitled to copyright simply by creating your scientific work, if the condition of originality is met. This article offers some thoughts on how to secure your rights.
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Are you a researcher or scientist? You are entitled to copyright simply by creating your scientific work, if the condition of originality is met. This article offers some thoughts on how to secure your rights.
The journey is long for a patent applicant. This article summarises the main steps to obtain patent protection, as well as intermediate steps such as proof of anteriority and preservation of secrecy.
Are you the inventor of a technically innovative product? Patents allow you to obtain a monopoly on the use of your invention and are an effective deterrent to potential competitors who would take over your innovation. This article provides some thoughts on how to secure your rights.
How to secure an invention online with A certificate of anteriority, with an optionally authenticated deed by a Bailiff, which proves that you possessed
Vous êtes chef cuisinier et souhaitez protéger vos recettes ? Les recettes ne bénéficient pas d’une protection directe à ce jour, il revient alors au créateur de trouver des moyens alternatifs pour sécuriser ses créations. Cet article vous donne des pistes de réflexion sur la sécurisation des recettes.
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