Tag: proof of prior art

How to obtain protection?

The journey is long for a patent applicant. This article summarises the main steps to obtain patent protection, as well as intermediate steps such as proof of anteriority and preservation of secrecy.

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Protection of an invention with a patent

Are you the inventor of a technically innovative product? Patents allow you to obtain a monopoly on the use of your invention and are an effective deterrent to potential competitors who would take over your innovation. This article provides some thoughts on how to secure your rights.

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Plagiarism is common in the field of artistic or industrial creation. One way to act is to bring an infringement action against the infringers. Various cases exist, and this article proposes some thoughts on the subject.

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Methods for protecting your creations

The protection of creations is a major concern for innovative entrepreneurs. Several means are available to creators wishing to protect their work. Some are easier than others to implement. This article offers some suggestions on how to better apprehend the protection of a creation.

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Protection of a video game

Are you a game designer? Sachez que plusieurs droits sont à votre disposition afin de protéger les différents éléments de votre jeu. Cet article vous donne des pistes de réflexion sur la sécurisation de vos droits.

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Unfair competition

La libre concurrence peut parfois laisser place à la concurrence abusive. Dans ce cas, le droit de la concurrence prévoit un recours : l’action en concurrence déloyale. Des conditions sont à respecter afin de pouvoir prétendre à agir et pouvoir obtenir des sanctions à l’égard des concurrents déloyaux. Différentes situations existent, cet article en propose des pistes de réflexion.

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