Protect your idea or concept against plagiarism with
Enforcing your rights using legal timestamp and bailiff: how and why?
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Having an idea stolen is one of the greatest fears of an entrepreneur. Everyone has certainly felt it at some stage of creation, regardless of whether it concerns business creation projects or ideas for products, packaging, marketing methods, etc.
The question is even more relevant since in France since, as a matter of principle, a simple idea cannot be protected. It is the resulting creation that will be protected, such as an invention protected by a patent.
However, there are important advantages to dating your concept:
We explain it all to you.
Copyright for Concepts. Dating an idea has never been easier.
An entrepreneur must therefore plan to establish proof of the anteriority of his or her concept to limit the risks of a third party implementing this idea and using it without authorisation.
Several solutions are possible for the constitution of this proof. The most effective is the bailiff’s deposit, and there are services such as to save you the time and trouble of having to go through the process.
With, you can obtain your certificate of anteriority online in less than 15 minutes!
With, you assign a certain date to your concepts in a matter of minutes. filing with legal time-stamping and parallel filing with a bailiff as an option, is perfectly suited for all types of files. If you are filing a concept or a prototype, simply upload text files explaining the whole, photos and sketches if possible, and anything else that explains what is important in your project.
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