Protect a design against copying and infringement with
Enforcing your rights using legal timestamp and bailiff: how and why?
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Creativity knows no bounds, unfortunately so does the imagination of counterfeiters. One of the sectors most affected by this type of action is the extremely competitive fashion industry.
To protect themselves against copying or counterfeiting, it is important for designers, even small ones, to protect their designs. This protection is essential at each stage of the creation process: from the first sketch of a design drawn on paper to its presentation to the public, for example during a fashion show, a showroom, an event, etc.
Copyright for designs. Protecting a design has never been easier.
You don’t need a law degree or a lawyer to protect your rights. We explain everything.
A work is protected by copyright law simply by its creation, provided of course that it is original and materialised. However, the question is how to prove that the work was created on a specific date. Several means exist.
The most effective is the bailiff’s deposit, and there are services such as to save you the time and trouble of having to go through the process. With, you can obtain your certificate of anteriority online in less than 15 minutes!
By registering with, you grant legal protection to your important creations by providing proof of their date and content (copyright).
With, you assign a certain date to your designs in a matter of minutes.
There is also a separate right, called “Design Law“, which is not the same as copyright law. See our documentation: Protecting your designs: copyright or specific design law?
Check our frequently asked questions and our detailed documentation or ask us directly.
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